Thursday, December 10, 2009

Changes in 2010

The new work schedule begins in January. I am off Sunday and Monday again - a return to my original schedule. It is the schedule I prefer. Sunday is a more reflective and relaxing day, and I can attend church again. Maybe reflective and relaxing is only a state of mind, but it is somehow real to me. Janurary 2 will be my first day on the new schedule.

Today I cast on for a pair of socks for me. I have been knitting for everyone else, so it is my turn. I will post a photo when the self-striping pattern begins to emerge. I like to knit socks during my breaks at work.

I also cast on and knit several inches of the On the Square Shawl by Lisa Carnahan (Lisa Knits). This project will be reserved for home knitting, since the mohair might be damaged at work.

More later....

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