Sunday, June 1, 2008

RSS and Adding Feeds

I finished opening my bloglines account. It finally acknowledged my efforts. I don't know what the problem was - I was using my home computer and had to enable the Java script and cookies. The computer is old and has mental and emotional problems - it once told me I didn't have the authority to "turn off this computer." (There is always the plug to rip out of the wall.) Anyway, I prevailed and now have a bloglines account. I added ten feeds - some from the list provided by bloglines and several by going to web sites of interest and clicking on the RSS button. I suspect this will make life easier in the keeping up with news category, but since I skip my email for weeks at a time.....

I opened a bloglines blog, but apparently we did not have to for this assignment. I made everything public, so guess I should investigate this area more. I created a link between by blogspot account and the bloglines account, but it goes straight to the (empty) blog. I will continue experimenting until I can also access the feeds page this way. At the moment I consider my blogspot account the primary one.

This next week is for play - maybe I can figure out a way to improve my link as well as the other suggested items.

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