Monday, July 7, 2008

Posting to PB Wiki

I followed the link to the PBCLS Exploring Web 2.0 wiki. I arrived safely, but I'm not sure I left in the same condition.

I was able to add my favorite web site - Ravelry - and create a link. This still shows.

However, when posting to the favorite blogs section I ended with only my entry. The blogs on the rest of the page disappeared. I can find my information when I click on "show all pages." I can also see that I was a recent visitor. While I was asking for help from our local help-person (ok - our consultant) my entry disappeared and another lone entry appeared. I am just not sure if I should try to re-establish an earlier version of the page or leave it alone. If I recall an earlier version the person who posted after me will probably disappear? Maybe?

P.S. Today is Wednesday 7/9. I finally made sure I had posted my blog to the favorites. I believe my error was in posting to the new tab instead of just editing the page (I thought new post - I believe it means new page.)

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