Sunday, July 6, 2008

Wiki ....

The world of wiki - I wondered what I had encountered in the knit community when the instructions dictated "check the wiki." Well, now I know the answer. This technology allows a group of people (hopefully) to collaborate in the development of a Web Site. The good part - no knowledge of HTML is needed.

I visited a few Library Wikis. The most interesting part was the ability to sign up for classes on line by following a few simple links. The difficult, confusing part for me was trying to make sense of the recent changes page. I am not sure why I would want to change the catalog search, so maybe a little more reading is in order so that I may understand the process.

I can imagine a very successful library wiki. Staff notifications (of policy changes) and responses would be quick and accurate. Committe planning and input could be accomplished even when the committee was not in session. Instruction pages for various patron or staff questions could be available at all times by clicking a link from a FAQ page. Community guides, subject guides, and courseware are other suggestions I observed at the websites.

Wikis are very user friendly to the majority of users. Simplify life!

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