Saturday, July 5, 2008

Tagging and

I experienced tagging at the Flickr website. It seemed vaguely useful at the time. Recently, however, I joined the knitting and chrocheting community called Ravelry. This is an amazing mashup. Specifically, they make use of blogs, flickr, LibraryThing, tags and (I will actually use some of this information.)

Using tags at the Ravelry site made more sense to me than they did at Flickr. (Of course I spent more time exploring the knitting site.) The tags immediately organize project types, yarn types, or project sources, to name only a few, for the individual as well as for the entire community. This is definitely a social bookmarking site.

After observing tags at the knitting community, I can see how they will be useful in many fields including libraries.

I explored the site. I will open an account in the near future. It will be nice to access my bookmarks from any computer. Most of my bookmarks do not require additional sources from other people, but who knows, I may decide I like this aspect also. The user notes could be helpful for research.

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