Saturday, July 5, 2008


Technorati was my next visit on this Web 2.0 exploration project. I entered the suggested search - "". Numerous hits were listed. The majority of sites listed were from the library's official website. Some of the hits seemed to be totally random, despite my quotes to enclose the entire phrase.

I also searched for "Web 2.0". New posts from technical dudes appeared. The most useful information seemed to be in the video tab - some web 2.0 explanations ready to view.

The most interesting post I found was from the woman who is redesigning the Palm Beach County Website. The strangest information linked professional wrestling videos to the search for "".

Being of the opinion that just because I am writing this post doesn't make it interesting, I did not claim it or attempt to have it tagged. I will explore this site more in the future. I do not have time to be comfortable with the process for this assignment.

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