Saturday, July 5, 2008

Web 2.0 means to me....

The Web 2.0 experience has been interesting so far, albeit time consuming. I enjoy learning new technologies. I purchased my first computer in 1983. I helped the first students at my daughter's grade school explore with the school's first PC.

I have read the assigned articles presenting varying perspectives on Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 - It's many things to many people. What does it mean to you?

I read the articles "Away from the 'icebergs'" and "Into a new world of librarianship." Surprisingly, both make sense.

The "just in case" collection dominates some professionals in the field. I worked for a woman who entered her budget on line and still kept a ledger. She never thought of printing a copy of her budget or backing it up each day or week. I saw teachers conducting computer classes but not updating their own grading methods until the school system forced them to use computer software for grading. It is the same in libraries. We hang on to the old while resisting the new. It will be an interesting challenge to enter the next decade. Some patrons think we should have a copy of every book written by an author (their favorite, of course). Practically, however, old volumes stored for MP3 technology might be a better use of both space and technology.

At the same time, it is not necessary to jump on the bandwagon for every new idea. New for the sake of new is never the best solution. Librarians will be challenged to meet the needs of patrons even with shrinking budgets. Web 2.0 technologies may be the start for meeting these needs.

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